Blog Post

My Simple Year

  • by Mirjana Curcic
  • 07 Jan, 2018

Inviting simplicity into my life.

Education in psychology and cognitive psychotherapy I have gone through, has shaped my opinion  in beliefs as main drivers of emotions and behaviours. So, if one wants to change emotions and behaviours, the first thing is to change beliefs (irrational beliefs).

My personal experience says small changes in behaviours can go a long way.

This is why, in an attempt to achieve emotional balance and get more focused, I was eager to simplify my surrounding by decluttering my stuff to be able to focus and invest my energy and time where it needs to be.

I have never been aware of the quantity of stuff I possess, nor its impact on the emotional balance, until I have had a life situation where me, my son and husband, within 8 months, needed to change 2 countries and 4 flats we have lived in. Painful, hectic, crazy experience caused by endless packing and unpacking. Irony was that, once we have left ¾ of our stuff in the storage, 3 months later I could not even remember what was in there.

Have I needed more obvious signs that I need to clear space around me? No, not.

I have decided to get on the simplicity journey by joining “A Simple Year 2018” by Courtney Carver and check how this works for me.

I will use these pages to share my experience and learnings with you. And, as always, I would like to hear your feedback and thoughts.

by Mirjana Curcic 14 January 2018
Letting go, fear, excitement, change
by Mirjana Curcic 7 January 2018
Declutter, Live More with less
by Mirjana Curcic 28 December 2017
I have finally decided to take the plunge and add a blog to my site. I have always wanted an easy way to share information with visitors and I’m super excited to start this journey. Keep coming back to my site and check for updates right here on the blog.
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